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How to find a balance between work and energy in the fall?
By: treklir on Jan 23, 2025 11:40 AM EST
Lately I've noticed that after a few hours of working on the computer I feel very exhausted. I've read that the fall energy drop can be related to a lack of light. I'm wondering if anyone has any effective ways to stay energized without being distracted from tasks?
By: lleailea on Jan 24, 2025 09:53 AM EST
When I sit in front of the computer for several hours, I also feel like the light around me starts to lose its shine. But then I remembered that I have always found it easier to work in bright sunlight or even under special luminette glasses that help regulate the lighting. Quite often I start to feel tired precisely because I don't have enough natural light.
By: greqor on Jan 30, 2025 06:32 AM EST
I’ve had the same issue, and I found that taking short breaks and getting some natural light helps a lot. Also, adjusting screen brightness and using blue light filters can reduce eye strain.
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