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How does Wear Felicity handle issues?
By: lleailea on Jan 27, 2025 11:11 AM EST
Anyone had to contact Wear Felicity’s support team before? I’m curious if they actually solve problems or just make you wait forever.
By: Leonel on Jan 27, 2025 11:52 AM EST
I had a slight hiccup with an engraved necklace I ordered. The font was totally off from what I picked, so I reached out to wear felicity customer support. They were surprisingly cool about it—asked for a picture and got back to me pretty quick. They offered to redo it without charging me again. If you ever have an issue, just make sure to have your order details ready—it’ll save you time explaining everything.
By: lleailea on Jan 27, 2025 12:20 PM EST
Thank you for the helpful information; it really helped me understand this matter better.
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